fide for language learners Language levels

The fide reference levels describe what learners of a language are normally able to do at a given language level. They are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) of the European Council and have been adapted to the target group of migrants.

In official procedures, language skills at levels A1, A2 and B1 are expected - in a few cantons also B2 orally.

Elementary use of language A1

  • Can make him- or herself understood in the personal living context, e.g. at work or in (the children’s) school in a simple way, if the person they are talking to speaks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help where necessary.
  • Can introduce him- or herself and others with simple words.
  • Can give short, simple answers to questions about his/her person, e.g. where they live, work, children.
  • Can put forth his/her own concerns, e.g. in the living environment or when shopping, in prepared and practiced sentences.

Elementary use of language A2

  • Can understand simple questions and messages associated with important areas of life, e.g. questions and information on school, education, work, health or living situation.
  • Can express him- or herself in simple, routine situations in a government office or other public institution requiring a direct exchange of information on familiar things.
  • Can describe his/her own origins, education and work experience in simple words and report on personal experiences.

Independent use of language B1

  • Can understand important information from a school, employer, landlord or public authority if a clear standard language is used and familiar topics are being discussed.
  • Can cope with the majority of situations in everyday live, at the place of work or in public spaces.
  • Can express him- or herself simply and coherently about familiar topics, personal interests and experiences.
  • Can describe his/her own opinions, goals, hopes and wishes and substantiate or explain these briefly.

Videos an texts

Examples language levels

Examples for the levels A1-B2: